Monthly Spiritual Direction Groups for Campus Ministers & Chaplains

It can be really hard in the midst of the craziness of a new semester to think you’ll ever have time to pause, center yourself in God’s presence, connect with others in the UKirk Network for support, prayer and encouragement, and discern how the Spirit is working in your life! Collegiate ministry has been described as a 15 week marathon at a sprinter’s pace filled with more conversations, meetings, emails, programs, worship service, bible studies, cups of coffee, pizza, joy, frustration, and decision-making than one can imagine.

UKirk National is offering all our campus ministers and chaplains the opportunity to connect with God and with each other in a Monthly Spiritual Direction Group. Led by a trained spiritual director, these small groups of 4-5 will gather from September – May and spend time in each other’s presence and in God’s. Our prayer is that this time will be a gift where your own soul is tended, your cup filled, and your spiritual life renewed so you will be sustained in the midst of your mission and ministry.

The suggested donation for these groups is $75 for the year, or $10 a month, but if this cost is prohibitive please reach out to Rev. Gini Norris-Lane to request a scholarship. Use our 2024-25 Program Registration form to register by August 29th.

This opportunity is subsidized by a discernment grant from the Forum for Theological Exploration.