Add Your Ministry to our T-Shirt!

Did you know that higher education ministry is the oldest mission beyond the congregation in the Presbyterian Church, and predates even the founding of our country?*

To celebrate this long-standing ministry and promote all of our PC(USA) connected collegiate ministries, UKirk National is making a UKirk T-shirt and wants the name of your ministry included! Chip in $5 by June 26th to have your ministry included on the back of the shirt so we can promote all of the amazing work we are doing across the country. (The link allows you to pay by credit card, Venmo, PayPal, or EFT.)

*Brief History:

Beginning in 1727 with the creation of Log College, the first theological seminary serving Presbyterians in North America, then with the founding of The College of New Jersey (now Princeton University) and many other Presbyterian-related colleges and universities during the First and Second Great Awakening, providing for the spiritual, intellectual, and emotional lives of young adults who would go on to serve both the church and the world took root even before the founding of our country and grew to include ministry at state schools and non-Presbyterian private colleges across the country.