Have you heard that ’Bruce Reyes-Chow’s new book ”“Everything Good About God is True: Choosing Faith” is being released March 4th, AND everyone who attends the 2024 UKirk National Gathering June 11-14 in Little Rock, Arkansas, will receive a FREE copy?

Not only will Bruce be our keynote speaker at the 2024 Gathering, campus ministry leaders and chaplains will have the opportunity to worship, rest, share wisdom and insights with each other, enjoy nature, laugh, pray, and explore all that Little Rock offers.

Cost is $575 for a single room, $275 for a double-room, and $175 for group housing in the retreat house. Scholarships are available for all UKirk Network ministers!We are again excited to welcome Participant Exhibitors this year for $775 (which includes housing, registration and exhibit space).

Click here to register. To apply for a scholarship, use this form.